It's all about Cheese!
Together, we will find the right microorganisms for your individual project.
Step by step
From milk to cheese
Cheddar cheese originally comes from the county of Somerset in the south west of England and is a semi-hard or hard cheese.
The production of cheddar has a long tradition and is often referred to as "cheddaring". The raw milk or pasteurised milk is heated to 29-31°C and then coagulated by adding rennet and starter cultures over a period of 30-40 minutes. The subsequent scalding reduces the curd to approx. 0.5-1.5 cm and heats it to 39 °C for 20-60 minutes. This separates the whey from the curd, which is then scooped into moulds so that the whey can drip off further.
After the curd has hardened, blocks of approx. 15 cm in length are cut, left to rest for 10 minutes and then two blocks are stacked on top of each other ("stacking the loaves"). These are also allowed to rest for 10 minutes. The stacking process is repeated until the desired height is reached ("cheddaring").
It is important to turn the stacks regularly. Milling involves crushing the finished stacks again, stirring the curd to prevent it from sticking again and mixing in additional salt. The curd is then filled into moulds and pressed. The cheese is now allowed to mature for 1-15 months, sometimes longer.