Boiled sausages


Boiled sausages

Boiled sausages in different varieties are the most known processed meat products worldwide. Wiener Sausages, Frankfurter Gelbwurst, Bavarian Leberkäse, Russian Moltschnaja, American Hot Dogs and Nuremberger Bratwurst are only a few examples of this diversified product group.

The choice of meat recipe and cutter process aids is, besides good seasonings, most important for a successful production of good and tasteful products. At the same time, price pressure is really high within this product group so that technological know-how is in demand to meet all requirements in terms of quality, flavour and marketability. To complement the technological functionality of the M-CUT- products many other supporting products of the M-MULSION, M-COLOUR and M-SAFE product ranges are available.

With the M-CUT products M Food Group offers a wide range of technologically functional and seasoning products for various requirements in the area of boiled sausage technology.

Our M-Cut range at a glance:


M-CUT Wiener


M-CUT Knacker Eco


M-CUT Bratwurst Kräuter


M-CUT Leberkäs


M-CUT Gelbwurst


M-CUT Geflügelfleischwurst


Your customized M-CUT mixture

Individuality is our strength

Our meat technologists will be delighted to support you with the development of a suitable meat recipe and the matching application technology, either on our pilot plants in our meat technical centre in Steinfeld-Mühlen or directly on-site in your production facilities.

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